Monday, October 19, 2009

Musical cars and musical phones

What a day! Jason is training on days so he needs my car. Our other car is dead so we are a one car family until we buy a new one. Abigail has school so my dad drive all the way out here to take her to school. Then we drove 30 miles to his work and I kept his car. Then I drove the 30 miles back to my neighborhood, picked her up from school and baked cookies. yum!!! Then I had to drive back to my dad's work to give him his car back and then Jason met us there. Jason also took my cell phone so I had to borrow my dad's incase of an emergency with Abigail at school. The whole day was out of sync. It worked out fine though and I love my dad so much for all he does for my family. He is the best!!! This week is "black" week at her school. She wasn't cooperating well for this photo. Both pieces are from Gap btw. The bow was made by a wonderful lady I know from a message board, LLS. Her company is Simply Bowdacious and I highly recommend her! I apologize for dirt in my door in this photo. We never use our front door and was mortified. I cleaned it as soon as I got home. lol

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